Antoine S. Sayegh, DDS Inc. Dental Blog

Who Needs a Cosmetic Smile Makeover? | Newport Beach CA

No two smiles are alike. Similarly, each cosmetic smile makeover plan is custom-made to include a combination of treatments that will address your unique issues, needs, and goals. Generally, a smile makeover is beneficial to anyone looking to improve the health and overall appearance of their smile.

Studies show that healthy and sparkling white teeth make you appear healthy, attractive, and confident, which can positively affect both your personal and professional life. But even with structurally sound teeth and good dental hygiene, you can still be dissatisfied with your smile. 

If you’re self-conscious about the appearance of your smile, teeth, and gums, a fully customized smile makeover can help to correct any problems and give you the bright smile you dream of. 

Some of the common issues that can be improved with a smile makeover include:

  • Tooth discoloration 
  • Chipped or cracked teeth 
  • Crooked teeth 
  • Gaps between teeth 
  • Misshapen, eroded, or irregularly sized teeth 
  • Uneven gum line 
  • Gummy smile 

Custom Smile Makeover 

Cosmetic smile makeovers comprise both restorative and cosmetic procedures. You should schedule a consultation with your cosmetic dentist to determine whether you’re a good candidate for a smile makeover. A typical initial consultation includes:

  • Discuss your dental restoration needs and cosmetic goals
  • Review of your medical and dental history
  • A thorough examination of your teeth and mouth, including digital imaging. 

After careful assessment of your case, the dentist will work with you to create a custom treatment plan to restore the health of your teeth and/or improve the appearance of your smile. 

Final Note

Before starting your treatment, it is important that you fully understand what the procedures in your treatment plan will accomplish. With modern dental technology, it’s now possible to preview the expected results using digital imaging systems before the treatment commences, to ensure that the final result is what you’re hoping for, and for your satisfaction.

Schedule your smile makeover consultation by contacting your cosmetic dentist in Newport Beach CA today!

Who Needs a Smile Makeover? | Newport Beach CA

No two smiles are alike. Similarly, each smile makeover plan is custom-made to include a combination of treatments that will address your unique issues, needs, and goals. Generally, a smile makeover is beneficial to anyone looking to improve the health and overall appearance of their smile.

Studies show that healthy and sparkling white teeth make you appear healthy, attractive, and confident, which can positively affect both your personal and professional life. But even with structurally sound teeth and good dental hygiene, you can still be dissatisfied with your smile. 

If you’re self-conscious about the appearance of your smile, teeth, and gums, a fully customized smile makeover can help to correct any problems and give you the bright smile you dream of. 

Some of the common issues that can be improved with a smile makeover include:

  • Tooth discoloration 
  • Chipped or cracked teeth 
  • Crooked teeth 
  • Gaps between teeth 
  • Misshapen, eroded, or irregularly sized teeth 
  • Uneven gum line 
  • Gummy smile 

Custom Smile Makeover 

Smile makeovers comprise both restorative and cosmetic procedures. You should schedule a consultation with your Newport Beach cosmetic dentist to determine whether you’re a good candidate for a smile makeover. A typical initial consultation includes:

  • Discuss your dental restoration needs and cosmetic goals
  • Review of your medical and dental history
  • A thorough examination of your teeth and mouth, including digital imaging. 

After careful assessment of your case, the dentist will work with you to create a custom treatment plan to restore the health of your teeth and/or improve the appearance of your smile. 

Final Note

Before starting your treatment, it is important that you fully understand what the procedures in your treatment plan will accomplish. With modern dental technology, it’s now possible to preview the expected results using digital imaging systems before the treatment commences, to ensure that the final result is what you’re hoping for, and for your satisfaction.

Best Treatment for Teeth Grinding in Newport Beach CA

Do you wake up with a sore or clenched jaw? If so, you may be grinding your teeth while you sleep. Fortunately, there are treatment options that your dentist can recommend to help stop teeth grinding and protect your teeth.

When to Seek Treatment

If you are experiencing any of the following conditions, you may be a candidate for treatment:

  • Gum Recession – Bruxism is a leading cause of gum recession and tooth loss. Grinding teeth can damage the soft tissue directly and lead to loose teeth and deep pockets where bacteria are able to colonize and decay the supporting bone.
  • Facial Pain – Grinding can eventually shorten and blunt the teeth. This can lead to muscle pain in the myofascial region and, in severe cases, incapacitating headaches.
  • Occlusal Trauma – The abnormal wear patterns on the occlusal (chewing) surfaces of the teeth can lead to fractures, which if left untreated, may require restorative treatment at a later time.
  • Arthritis – In the most severe cases, bruxism can eventually lead to painful arthritis in the temporomandibular (TMJ) joints that allow the jaw to open and close smoothly.

Treatment Options

There are few suitable solutions your dentist may recommend for grinding, including:

  • Mouthguard – An acrylic mouthguard can be designed from teeth impressions to minimize the abrasive grinding action during normal sleep. Mouthguards are expected to be worn on a long-term basis to help prevent tooth damage.
  • NTI-tss Device – This device only covers the front teeth and must be fitted at our office. The idea behind the NTI-tss is to prevent grinding the rear molars by limiting the contraction of the temporalis muscle in the jaw.

With advancements in dentistry, it is easier than to find the best solution to protect your oral health. To find out if treatment for teeth grinding is right for you, contact your dentist in Newport Beach CA to schedule your consultation today.

Why Choose Dental Bonding in Newport Beach CA

With the advances in dentistry, your cosmetic dentist can offer multiple affordable treatments to restore your smile. A commonly recommended smile makeover procedure is dental bonding. This treatment is an alternative to veneers and can be used as a restorative procedure for teeth that are chipped, cracked, discolored, or misarranged which makes it appealing to most patients. To determine if bonding is the best solution to enhance your smile, it is best to understand the procedure and what to expect during your appointment.

Understanding the Procedure

The tooth is prepared for the procedure by lightly etching the surface and applying a bonding liquid. Once the liquid sets, a plastic resin is applied and sculpted into the desired shape by the dentist. Once set, the resin is trimmed, smoothed, and polished for a natural appearance.

What to Expect with Dental Bonding

The dental bonding procedure can often be completed in a single office visit and can significantly improve the appearance of a tooth. However, since the plastic resin used is not as strong as your natural tooth enamel, it is more likely to stain, chip, or break than natural teeth. Bonding typically lasts three to five years before the need of repair.

Schedule Your Appointment

Overall, bonding is an suitable solution for minor restorations to your smile. To find out if dental bonding is best for you, contact your dentist in Newport Beach to schedule your appointment.

Teeth Whitening Near Me, Newport Beach CA 92660

The aging process, your diet, and other lifestyle choices can discolor your teeth over time. Whiter teeth are associated with beauty, success, and good health. They also draw attention away from other features, giving you a more youthful and vibrant appearance. Teeth whitening in Newport Beach provides a fast and cost-effective way to get the smile of your dreams. It involves removing stains and discoloration to brighten your teeth and improve their appearance. 

Why Do Your Teeth Change Color?

There are many reasons why few people have impeccably white teeth, including:

  • Age – tooth enamel is naturally white, but it thins over time due to normal wear, allowing the yellowish dentin to show 
  • Fluorosis – teeth darkening due to excessive fluoride consumption 
  • Food and drink – tea, coffee, red wine, and other food items contain intense color pigments known as chromogens that bond to tooth enamel, causing discoloration 
  • Tobacco use – chewing and smoking tobacco exposes you to two chemicals responsible for creating stubborn stains: nicotine and tar
  • Illness – early tooth decay or illness during tooth development can also cause spots on your teeth 
  • Medications – tooth discoloration can be a side effect of taking certain medications, like antihistamines and antipsychotics. Fetuses and babies may also be at risk of tooth discoloration of the adult teeth if exposed to antibiotics like doxycycline and tetracycline. 
  • Calculus – accumulated plaque can also reduce the sparkle of your teeth 

Any of these reasons can lead you to find a Newport Beach dentist near you for teeth whitening. 

Final Note 

Please keep in mind that teeth whitening in Newport Beach is a cosmetic procedure that may help to improve your self-confidence, but to maintain the results for as long as possible, you must be prepared to uphold your dental hygiene by brushing and flossing properly, avoiding smoking, avoiding colored drinks that stain your teeth, drinking plenty of water, and getting professional cleaning twice a year. 

What to Expect with Teeth Whitening in Newport Beach CA

Teeth whitening, or simply bleaching, is a straightforward, non-invasive dental solution for changing the color of natural tooth enamel, and to enhance the appearance of your smile. 

Getting whiter teeth is considered the most popular esthetic concern for most dental patients. Common reasons for teeth whitening include:

  • Normal wear of tooth enamel
  • Excess fluoridation (fluorosis) during early tooth development
  • Stained teeth due to smoking or medications like tetracycline
  • Brown or yellow stained teeth

Generally, any patient above the age of 10 years can consider teeth whitening to enhance their smile and boost confidence. However, it is not recommended for patients with oral issues such as dental cracks, leaky fillings, or dental decay, because the whitening products may irritate the tooth nerve, resulting in discomfort or more damage. In addition, patients with short teeth or a gummy smile may not necessarily look better after bleaching because whiter teeth tend to accentuate a gummy smile.

Your Consultation

Before you decide to whiten your teeth, it is important that you get a proper dental examination that includes X-rays to help establish the cause of tooth discoloration. In some cases, staining can be an indication of dental disease that requires a different treatment. But for simple whitening, options include bleaching from inside the tooth, for a dead tooth that has root canal, or a single-tooth bleaching tray for a living tooth.Once the cause and extent of discoloration and staining is known, you and your dentist can explore the different whitening options that apply to your case. 

Teeth usually don’t get discolored uniformly. So your dentist will come up with an appropriate strategy to whiten each tooth sufficiently to give you a uniform smile. This means that you can also choose to whiten only one or two teeth, or more. 

Final Note 

Restorations like tooth-colored fillings, veneers, bonding, bridges, and crowns do not stain or lighten. So, bleaching has no effect on existing dental restorations. As such, you may need to replace pre-existing dental work to match the new tooth shade achieved in your natural teeth following whitening.

Please visit your dentist in Newport Beach to learn more about teeth whitening. 

Cosmetic Dentist Near Me, Newport Beach CA 92660

Your beautiful smile forms a central part of your image, which positively affects your relationships, both socially and professionally. Today, there are numerous cosmetic dental procedures that you can use to improve your smile. Even a subtle change to your smile can make a huge difference in the way you look, the way you feel about yourself, and the way others perceive you. This reason is why many find it beneficial to visit their cosmetic dentist near Newport Beach to enhance their smiles.

Here are some of the most common cosmetic teeth problems: 

  • Stained or Discolored Teeth – There are many things that contribute to tooth discoloration, including age, food, drinks, medications, smoking, and other lifestyle factors
  • Tooth Decay – Decay occurs due to the buildup of plaque, causing it to eat away your tooth structure and create cavities. Depending on the extent of damage, your dentist will remove the infection, treat the site, and then fill the cavity to stop further deterioration.
  • Chipped or Fractured Teeth – Teeth can break due to any kind of trauma in an accident, due to a sports injury, or even bad habits such as chewing ice or opening soda bottles with your teeth. Broken teeth can be repaired in a simple in-office procedure to restore the aesthetics of your smile. 
  • Crooked, Overcrowded, or Misaligned Teeth – The cosmetic dentist near Newport Beach will recommend the appropriate custom dental appliances to gradually move your teeth to the desired position. 
  • Missing Teeth – There are several options for replacing missing teeth depending on the health of adjacent teeth, the health of the gum and jawbone tissues, age, and personal preferences, among others. 

Anyone who has been shy or hesitant about smiling or laughing with other people because of fractures, cracks, stains, or gaps in their teeth is a great candidate for cosmetic dentistry. If you’re self-conscious about your teeth or want to improve your smile, please visit a Newport Beach cosmetic dentist near you to discuss your case. 

Cosmetic Dentist Near Me, Newport Beach CA 92660

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of professional oral care aimed at improving the appearance of your teeth and smile. A beautiful smile is vital for a successful life, both professionally and socially. It makes you appear happy, healthy, and attractive, which gives you great confidence in your various pursuits and makes you feel like you can do anything. But if you’re feeling shy or hesitant about smiling or laughing with other people because of fractures, cracks, stains, or gaps in your teeth, then you should consider visiting a cosmetic dentist. 

Some of the common aesthetic problems that cosmetic dentists deal with include:

  • Stained or Discolored Teeth – May be caused by age, food, medications, smoking, and other lifestyle factors
  • Tooth Decay – Usually caused by plaque buildup due to poor oral hygiene, as well as consuming too many sugary items. 
  • Chipped or Fractured Teeth – May be caused by any kind of trauma in an accident, due to a sports injury, or even bad habits such as chewing ice or opening soda bottles with your teeth. 
  • Crooked, Overcrowded, or Misaligned Teeth – The dentist will recommend the appropriate custom dental appliances to gradually move your teeth to the desired position. 
  • Missing Teeth – There are several options for replacing missing teeth depending on the health of adjacent teeth, the health of the gum and jawbone tissues, age, and personal preferences, among others. 

When scheduling your cosmetic dentistry consultation, you should have a good idea of what you want – your ideal smile – before approaching the dentist. Generally, you should know:

  • What shade of white you would like your teeth to be – natural, ultra-white, in-between 
  • Do you want your teeth to be in perfect alignment or slightly varied?
  • Do you think your smile is toothy, gummy, or awkward in any other way? 
  • What defects do you want to be fixed? – missing tooth, crooked or misaligned teeth, fractured teeth, stained teeth, etc. 

If you’re self-conscious about your teeth or want to improve your smile, please visit your Newport Beach dentist today to discuss your case. The dental team will examine your mouth and formulate a custom plan to help you achieve the beautiful, dazzling smile you’ve always wanted. 

What to Expect with Cosmetic Dentistry in Newport Beach CA

Your smile forms a central part of your image, which affects your professional and personal relationships. Fortunately, there are numerous cosmetic dentistry procedures that you can use to improve your smile. Even a subtle change to your smile can make a huge difference in the way you look, the way you feel about yourself, and the way others perceive you. 

The Consultation Process 

A typical cosmetic dental consultation is a brief appointment with the dentist to discuss any issues that you have with your teeth and smile, as well as the various treatments available and the best options for your case. 

To ensure the best results from your cosmetic dentistry consultation, you should have a good idea of what you want – your ideal smile – before approaching the dentist. Generally, you should know:

  • What shade of white you would like your teeth to be – natural, ultra-white, in-between 
  • Do you want your teeth to be in perfect alignment or slightly varied?
  • What defects do you want to be fixed? – missing tooth, crooked or misaligned teeth, fractured teeth, stained teeth, etc. 

Even as you express your interests to the dentist, your dental visit will also include a physical examination, a review of your dental and medical history, and dental imaging so the dentist can have a clear look at your teeth. Next, you will establish clear treatment goals based on your needs and concerns. This provides a great opportunity to ask other specific details about procedures you’re interested in. At the end of the visit, you will know:

  • The cosmetic procedures that are right for your case 
  • The treatment process
  • How it would benefit you
  • What to realistically expect after each procedure – based on previous patients before-and-after pictures 
  • When to start your cosmetic dental treatment 
  • How long the treatments will take 
  • The recovery time
  • How your life would change 

If you’re self-conscious about your teeth or want to improve your smile, please schedule your free consultation with your cosmetic dentist in Newport Beach today.  

How a Smile Makeover Can Improve Your Smile | Newport Beach CA

Many people can assess your mood and personality based solely on your smile, before saying a single word. If you have a dazzling, bright smile, then this will work well for both your personal and professional relationships.  However, a sparkling smile may lose its vibrancy over time due to discoloration, chips and cracks, decay, excessive grinding, and tooth loss. Fortunately, no matter the problem with your teeth, a smile makeover can help to restore your dazzling smile through the right combination of cosmetic and restorative treatments. 

Your Custom Smile Makeover 

Just as each individual has a unique look, each smile makeover has to be customized by a skilled dentist to address your specific aesthetic needs. A smile makeover can involve multiple procedures, depending on the health of your teeth and gums, as well as other factors such as your facial appearance, hair color, and skin tone. 

During your consultation, your dentist will work with you to design the ideal smile, and you will even get to see a smile preview of what you can expect your smile to look like before any actual dental work begins. 

Some of the common problems that can be addressed with a smile makeover include:

  • Discolored or badly stained teeth 
  • Chipped or fractured teeth – the right procedure depends on the extent of damage
  • Straightening crooked teeth or a misaligned bite – depending on the severity and your age, your dentist will recommend the appropriate orthodontic treatment
  • Gaps between your teeth – can be closed to make your smile look more even 
  • Missing teeth can cause functional problems. Your dentist will recommend an appropriate tooth restoration
  • A gummy smile can also be corrected

Consult Your Dentist for a Smile Makeover 

A smile makeover can change your life by simply improving the shape, color, size, or length of your teeth, or changing the appearance of your lips or gums to make your smile more attractive. 

Please visit your Newport Beach dentist to discuss the best options to help you improve your smile. 

Schedule An Appointment

  • Glendora

    707 W. Route 66, Suite 102
    Glendora, CA 91740


    Office Hours:
    Mon & Wed: 8:00am–5:00pm
    Tue: 8:00am – 6:00pm
    Thu: 7:00am – 3:00pm
    Fri: By appointment only for special complex cases

  • Newport Beach

    400 Newport Center Drive Suite 308
    Newport Beach, CA 92660


    Office Hours:
    Mon: 8:00am - 5:00pm
    Tuesday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
    Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
    Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
    Friday: By appointment only for complex cases

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